Friday 30 March 2012

Regional strategic partnership key in economic growth

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Businesses in Zimbabwe are channeling their efforts to regional partnerships.  These partnerships enable businesses to fill in the gaps, through offering each other advice and interaction across borders.
The recent two day Zimbabwe-South Africa trade and investment business forum proved to be a success.  This forum and other such fora enhance business growth, by allaying fears of doing business across borders.  Zimbabwean business in the light of economic sanctions bedeviling the country can look elsewhere rather than lean on developed countries for economic support.
In this globalised world with markets in different countries influencing each other, it is necessary that economic ties be promoted.  The recent move of indigenisations has seen South African Implats index on the Johannesburg stock exchange plummet.  Therefore there is need to harness business contributions by businesses from regional countries to reduce the implications of exercises like indigenisation and increase employment for the indigenous people in the region.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, while it is very necessary that Zimbabwe develop links with other countries to boost its economy and trade links, it should however revert from the dependency syndrome as this gives a leeway to the illegal and opaque expropriaton of its resources by these so called "economic messiahs".
