Friday 16 March 2012

Diversification way to go for Zimbabwe business

One of the most sussecful diversified brands Kingdom Meikles Africa Limited

For Zimbabwe business diversifying in several sectors of the economy helps manage business risk when one business unit fails the other unit might be performing at capacity and uplift the underperforming sectors.

Companies like Kingdom Meikles Africa have found ways to synergise their business operations with others that are of a completely different nature.

Diversification is a technique t6aht reduces risk by allocating investments among various financial instruments, industries and other catergories. It aims to maximize return by investing in different areas that would each react differently to the same event. www.

A new player in the telecommunications sector has been announced this week.  Broadcam has since joined giants like Telecel, NetOne and Econet to become the fourth network in the country.  The company already owns other businesses like MARS, Suremed Health Insurance, hospitals, Spiritage and eTranzact.  In post inflationary times Zimbabweans or Zimbabwean Business should learn from international moguls like Richard Branson whose interests range across owning Virgin airline business to gym to even a visionary to allow for space travel. 

The Virgin conglomerate encompasses balloon flights, motorcycles, airlines, trains, books, a bridal emporium, cars, cinemas, cosmetics, credit cards, drinks, gas and electricity, limousines, mega-retail stores, finance, Internet service provider and digital radio broadcasting.

Diversification also maintains a company’s competitive edge in all sectors of the economy. 
This may only be achieved through an innovative mind and persistence.
Image courtesy of

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