Saturday 3 March 2012

Blood is thicker than water

In a move to end investor -drought, the Zimbabwean business community is turning to the aid of neighbouring South Africa to provide much needed investment for the country.
There is a need to engage our African brothers in Sub-Saharan Africa in furnishing our economy. A high powered delegation this week addresses members of the South African business community on available opportunities in the country.  A  Zimbabwe Investor and Trade conference will provide the two countries with a platform to share notes on business prospects.
Countries such as South Africa which have strong bilateral relations with Zimbabwe provide an easy alternative for investors. 
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This scouting exercise comes at a time when South African firms like Implats are seeking to protect their stake in Zimplats from being engulfed by the Indigenisation law in Zimbabwe.
Apart from the European Union and United States, Zimbabwe has been relying on South Africa to provide them with  investor support for years particularly in the mining industry.

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