Thursday 23 February 2012

In just a few easy steps

Sanctions or no sanctions economic reform can be achieved. Zimbabwe formerly Rhodesia performed quite well under a sanctioned environment. It was self sufficient and largely avoided the impact of the embargo.  Self sustainability this time could enhance the lives of the majority rather than a few minorities.

This week, I took the liberty to explore various steps in which the Zimbabwean economy could take on an eventual recovery scheme:

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Firstly it is imperative that the country’s leaders reach consensus on important political matters. From this realisation, credit lines will open up and debt may be cancelled to encourage the state’s fiscus to grow.

Secondly, a moral boost for the people directly affected by the economy would be significant. To benefit from ‘within’ government policies should be ‘without’ oriented. Investment opportunities in natural resources should be increased as diamonds revenue is expected to rack in excess of US$600million annually.

 A complete overhaul of the financial sector is needed, with the employment of the Diasporan community which for over a decade acquired immense skill in all sectors of the economy in countries such as South Africa and Australia. 

Salaries which have been at the height of disputes between the Finance Ministry and civil service will increase thereby motivating the populace.
By then the economy will be following in the footsteps of market driven economies like Canada.

All this can take place in a matter of 5years if the leadership adopts all available means to ensure all citizens are satisfied within and without Zimbabwe’s borders.

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